Sep 6, 2007

Salvation:More about it!

Jesus Christ is willing to save you anytime and anywhere!
He will save you today! "Today is the day of Salvation, thus saith the LORD."
Don't put off salvation any longer. For you never know when your last chance, or opportunity to get saved will be. It could be now, later or tonight. Why risk not knowing where you are spending eternity? Why not make sure your name is in the Book of Life today while you can still accept Jesus Christ? For it is only to late for those who have died already to get saved and for others who die today or later without him to get saved. Anyone left behind when the Christians disappear, vanish suddenly -what the rapture means- will be doomed/that is lost forever and ever. They will never again have the opportunity to get saved.
So get saved! Without dely! Don't let Satan trick you into entering eternity without Christ, and with no peace with God, no joy, no hope and no way of escape from hell. Don't let Satan trick you into staying hopelessly lost and doomed forever and evermore.

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